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Molly, Tour Operations Coordinator

Tell us about yourself!
Born and raised in Chicago, IL and moved to the ‘burgh 4 years ago with my husband. We have 1 dog and 3 crazy cats. I try to keep life simple, I love my family, my friends, and a good beer.

Favorite beer(s)?
Three Floyds Gumballhead

What do you love the most about your city’s beer scene?
How unsuspecting it is. I firmly believe Pittsburgh is top 5 beer cities in all of the country. Not only are the beers coming out of here amazing but the community that has been built around the breweries, staff, and guests in Pittsburgh is incredible.

Why do you love being a Beer Guide?
You get to meet some of the most amazing people while exploring a city’s beer scene, what’s not to love about that?!

What do you wish your city was more well-known for?
Besides the beer, Pittsburgh has incredible museums.

If you were an animal, which animal would you be?
Sloth, all day everyday.

What’s an interesting fact about you?
I used to own sugar gliders.

Anything else you’d like to share?
I’ve given tours in 6 of the cities that we operate in!


Braxton – Beer Guide

Tell us about yourself!
I am an avid reader and runner and enjoy craft beer.

Favorite beer(s)?
Cold and high ABV.

What’s your favorite story from a City Brew Tour?
I had a guest that had the same name as my favorite author and I brought a book for him to sign… only to be sorely disappointed! We all had a great laugh.

Why do you love being a Beer Guide?
Showing people the city and answering questions about the beer scene.

If you were an animal, which animal would you be?
A party animal.

What’s an interesting fact about you?
I am into real estate and business overall. I love figuring out how to make something more profitable.

Anything else you’d like to share?
You have to book me for a tour to find out more!


Clayton – Beer Guide

Tell us about yourself!
Lifelong Yinzer and lover of all things Pittsburgh. Avid homebrewer, Crossfitter, and disc golfer. Degree in history which is why I enjoy talking about the ancient and interesting history of beer. My day job is working for the US Army as a Career Counselor.

Favorite beer(s)?
Edmund Fitzgerald from Great Lakes Brewing, and Double Mex from Brew Gentlemen.

What do you love the most about your city’s beer scene?
The variety is amazing. The last I counted there are over 70 breweries in my county alone. It’s great to see how the breweries rally around and support one another as well. Lots of collaboration and breweries helping others starting out. It’s not something you see in a lot of industries.

Why do you love being a Beer Guide?
I enjoy showing the best of what Pittsburgh had to offer to out of towners and introducing locals to their new favorite spot.

What do you wish your city was more well-known for?
I truly believe that Pittsburgh has some of the the kindest people in the world. I don’t know if it’s the influence of the most famous Pittsburgher, Fred Rogers, but we take care of our neighbors and are kind to visitors. I’ve had to pleasure of meeting people from all over the the world, but people here are special. And it’s why I always come back.

What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?
I love to disc golf. I’ve been playing since 2013 and competitively for the past couple years. Pittsburgh has some of the most beautiful and challenging courses. My home course was the host of the 2015 World Championships. I play in tournaments, weekly leagues, and casually with friends (usually with a beer or two in the bag).

If you could have a drink with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Ernest Hemingway. Because first, we all know he enjoyed a beverage. And secondly, I know he would have some interesting stories to tell.

What’s an interesting fact about you?
I spent the majority of my 20s overseas for the military or other jobs. I had the opportunity to see a lot of the world and experience cultures I otherwise wouldn’t have.


Nadia – Beer Guide

Tell us about yourself!
For the past four years, I’ve been an Environmental Educator and studied Animal Behavior Ecology and Conservation. In the interest of learning more about another thing I love, I became a Beer Guide! When I’m not running tours, you can find me obsessing over my house plants, painting, or doing yoga so that I can drink more beer!

Favorite beer(s)?
Dogfish Head Slighty Mighty IPA.

What’s your favorite story from a City Brew Tour?
It took me somewhere around a nine point turn to parallel park the van once. I was graciously applauded for such an expert maneuver by my tour group.

What do you love the most about your city’s beer scene?
Seeing Pittsburgh breweries work together to make the industry more inclusive is wonderful.

Why do you love being a Beer Guide?
Being a Beer Guide allows me to get to know Pittsburgh’s brewing community, as well as all of the cool things my tour guests do!! And it doesn’t hurt to have friends in high places behind the bar.

What do you wish your city was more well-known for?
Pittsburgh has a great emerging cultural food and arts scene.

What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?
Exploring Pittsburgh’s hiking and swimming spots!

What’s an interesting fact about you?
I’ve backpacked from Alice Springs to Darwin, Australia (930 miles).


Brian – Beer Guide

Tell us about yourself!
I’m a beer nerd and I preach the gospel of malt to the masses.

Favorite beer(s)?
Everyday drinker – Pilsner. Special occasion beer – Geueze.

What’s your favorite story from a City Brew Tour?
I have had two NFL linemen on my tours and both willingly chose to sit in the back row of the van which is quite tight, especially if you’re 6’6 and topping 300 lbs.

Why do you love being a Beer Guide?
I like driving the van. The high vantage point allows me to look down on others and feel a sense of superiority.
Seriously though, I love finding a beer for that person that says “I don’t really like beer”. When you find a beer that changes someone’s perception of what beer can be, that’s a special moment. 

What do you wish your city was more well-known for?
Coffee. We have exceptional local coffee shops in nearly every neighborhood.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
Possum. Live fast, eat trash.

What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?
Hike, camp, and play monsters with my daughter.


Teddy – Beer Guide

Tell us about yourself!
Hi! I’m Teddy, a Massachusetts native now living in Pittsburgh. I’ve been here for over a year now and have loved my time in town!

Favorite beer(s)?
I love a good fruited sour in the summertime. A hazy IPA is great too! In the winter I like darker beers.

What do you love the most about your city’s beer scene?
Pittsburgh’s beer scene is exploding with local breweries and it’s honestly hard to go wrong with any of them.

Why do you love being a Beer Guide?
Being a Beer Guide is so much fun because you get to explore new places and new beers with new people! I really enjoy sharing my knowledge and love for beer with others.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
Possum. Live fast, eat trash.

What’s an interesting fact about you?
I can perfectly replicate a dogs bark.

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